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"Megahand" - a second-hand clothing store
A chain of stores in Georgia

'Megahand' - chain of second-hand clothing and textile storesin Georgia

ფასდაკლების უნიკალური სისტემა - 90%% -მდე!
European brands - at an affordable price
Diverse selection of women's, men's and children's clothing
Wide selection of shoes, accessories and home goods
Comfortable shopping hall of 1000 sq.m. up to a meter
Weekly product updates!
Extraordinary environment for pleasant shopping!

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Men's white shirt

The discount is unique
System in megahand!

Of course everyone knows what thrift stores are,But Megahand is not just a thrift store, it's a shopA network that offers customers high quality products and servicesHigh level!

Megahand is a second-hand clothing wholesaler from Europe. We Offering a wide selection of clothing brands and styles at affordable pricesIn prices. When selling items wholesale, clothes are delivered in bags, Which makes it easier to transport and store.


branded clothes
Receive new collection on delivery day

If you want to buy exclusive items, come to Megahand for the new collectionOn the day of receipt! Be sure to pay attention to the discount table and Come on the 70%, 80% and 90% discount days and save money.

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